The destination of our prayers depends on one's beliefs and religious traditions.
It is believed that prayers are received by a higher power, such as God or gods, who then grants blessings, guidance, or answers to those prayers.
It is believed that prayers go to a specific place, such as a sacred site or a deity's temple.
It is believed that prayers are sent out into the universe, where they may be answered in mysterious or unexpected ways.
It is believed that prayers can help to change one's own perspective or mindset, allowing them to see new solutions or opportunities that were previously hidden.
Overall, the destination of our prayers depends on one's personal beliefs and religious traditions, and may range from a specific deity or sacred site to a more abstract concept, such as the universe or one's own consciousness.
Important is to keep praying to heal each other, because prayers for world well-being means, it is prayer for you too as you are also part of that world,
Enjoy your prayers, a conversation with self and higher consciousness